GK Spotlight: Meghan Malley

At this small town school, we build big-time pride by creating deep and lasting bonds within our community. Each month, we’ll shine a spotlight on a GK staff member or student so we can get to know each other and share what makes us #GKProud.
Spotlight: Meghan Malley
Where are you from? Woodstock, IL

Degree type: I attended NIU for my undergraduate degree in Family and Child Studies, and then I went to Aurora University for my Masters in Social Work.
Your role at GK and which building you work in: I work at Genoa-Kingston Middle School four days a week, and at Kingston Elementary School one day a week, as the school social worker.
How long have you been with GK schools? This is my first year!
Why did you want to come work with us at GK? I wanted to work for GK because I love the community.
What do you look forward to most in your new role here? Working with the students and being part of the Genoa-Kingston family!
What do you like to do when you’re not working? Any unique hobbies or interests? I enjoy reading books and spending time with my family and friends.
Tell us an interesting or little-known fact about yourself: My niece and I share the same birthday.